Request for Vendor Registration
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Nature of Business
Nature of Business*
Logistics Manufacturing Unit Agents Dealers Distributers Stockists Traders Consultancy Service Provider
Registered Address / Dispatch / Service Location
( Please click on 'Add / Update'link. )
Registered Address / Dispatch / Service Location Details
Contact Person
Email ID Add
Mobile No. Add
Landline No. Add

Please note the impact If the following data are not updated in Vendor master in contact person section
1 E mail ID – Login ID for vendor will not be generated. Hence E-bidding, order processing and profile updation by vendor through portal will not be possible.
2 E Payment contact person details – E payment advice will not be sent by system to vendor

Company Profile
Industry Segment*
Contact Person Name * Contact Person Telephone Number (With ISD/STD codes)*
Eg: +91-22-67682351
Contact Person Address Contact Person Mobile Phone
Eg: +91-9965122250
Contact Person Email Address Contact Person Fax No (With ISD/STD codes)
Eg: +91-22-67682351
Home Page URL D & B D-U-N-S Number(Dun and Bradstreet nine digit identification number)
National Small Scale Industries Registration Number Small Scale Industries Registration Number
Enter PAN No*
Ownership Information*
Year of Incorporation* Registration No
ISO-9001-2000 Certification ISO 14000 Certification
OHSAS-18000 Certification Any Other Certification
Service Tax Category

Payment Term
Preferred Bank(s) Preferred Payment terms
Details of Associated and Sister Concerns,if any
Add New (Sister Concerns)
Name Product
Customer Special Tax Exemption(s)/Benefit(s) Available
Business Related Information
Details of Final product Per Annum Capacity
Capacity utilization % Major Customers
B2B With Reliance
Are you willing to access Reliance Group SCM system www.scm.ril.com for Electonic RFQ ,submitting Electronic Qoute, accepting Electronic POs/WOs, uploading dispatch details etc.?
Existing Relationship with RIL
Do you have an existing relationship with any of the RIL Group sites? Please indicate the site(s) below.
Other site
To Which of the Following Reliance Group sites are you willing to supply ?
If you have supplied Materials / Services to RIL Group on prior occasions, then please describe your relationship and experience with RIL as a customer.
Labour Licence Details
Labour Licence No State
Validity From Validity To
No of Workmen
Last Three Year Business
S. No Year Total Value in(Rs Lakhs) With Reliance Group
1 2023
2 2022
3 2021
Last Three Year Major Customers
Add New (Major Customers)
Customer / Company Name Type of Service Detail of Work Period From Period To Value of Contract (Rs. Lakhs) Status of Project / Work Customer reference (Contact Name, contact details)
Upload Related Information
I hereby confirm that I am making this vendor creation request on the basis of receipt of hard copies of the following selected documents and are in my custody for reference and audit.
  1. Vendor Name / Address ( Eg. Letterhead / Bill / Invoice / Challan)
  2. ECC / SS Indicator / Jurisdiction Address (Eg. Scanned Certificate to upload)
  3. Service Tax Reg No (Eg. ST Registration Certificate / Invoice / Bill)
  4. LST / VAT TIN / CST/ EPF / ESIC (Eg. Scanned Certificate to upload)
Please Upload The File With File Size Less Than 2.5 MB
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DECLARATION All the details provided in this questionnaire are correct and up-to-date as per the best of our belief and knowledge. We understand that we are liable for any dispute arising out of any discrepancy in the details provided here and take full responsibility for the same, if, as and when arises.
Name* Designation
Date Location*
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